Sales and marketing are disciples of the same Master…the customer. Sales and marketing are two business functions within a company that ultimately impact how you make your revenue. They both focus on attracting new customer energies, manifesting increased revenue and building mutually beneficial relationships.
Marketing is the discipline and action taken to place your business’s energy and offer in your consumer’s vortex of desire and wanting. The concept of sales provides the consumer with the facts, figures and information required to make an informed energy exchange.
The focus and drive by most marketers up until now has been all about ‘manoeuvring’ algorithms on social media marketing to have the most significant impact on their ‘lead generation’. So you say – that’s what you’ve must do to get traction in the sales efforts in your business.
Yes and no… what this strategic manoeuvring has given rise to is a great deal of marketing that has taken the ‘human touch’ out of customer communications … think automation, hashtag strategies, paid and sponsored advertising and visual portfolio posting sans real conversation.
These spammy methods don’t necessarily result in conversion…and moving into 2021 – it’s going to work less and less. People want to do business with people. Online and face to face. The question you’ve got to ask yourself is, “How are you showing up in your media channels.” How are you ‘touching’ the lives of those in your business’s vortex.
So, back to the topic at hand – how do we align sales and marketing?
“Sometimes it is there, and sometimes it is not…” – Dobby – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Marketing is for me like the magical Room of Requirement in Harry Potter in the Order of the Phoenix. The success of marketing depends only on the one and only aspect and that is your true customer who ultimately is in need of your business solution discovering you and your business. It stands to reason that if they have a need…and you offer a solution to that need that they should find you – and they will if their energy is a direct match to yours and what you’re putting out into the vortex on your business.
The sweet spot of marketing happens when there is a meeting of the hearts, minds and souls – businesses are quick to avoid this – but it is true for all relationships – successful relationships require all three in the ultimate heart, mind and soul connection.
In order for this meeting to happen clarity is required and manifesting thoughts need to be put into place – that’s where a marketing strategy and plan comes into being… it paves the yellow brick road towards manifestation for the business giving it a brain, heart and courage (the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion) to move forward into growth and abundance.
Sales is the businesses energy exchange received from the customer. It’s the gift of gain from whatever energy we as businesses have invested in our audience. It is not something that will easily manifest without ‘good’ put in the vortex and it is not something that will be received by manipulation, fakery and erratic behaviour. The activity of sales results in revenue. Revenue is a gift in return of trust, authenticity, transparency and honest value exchange.
So in a real-world how does Marketing truly align with sales:
- Review the present moment in the business – the energy spent and received (sales made and efforts to achieve these sales); a look at the businesses true essence – reviewing the needs, opportunities, improvements, strengths, exceptions; a look at what others are doing in your industry both locally and internationally.
- Who matches your businesses DNA blueprint and which matrix do the eat, dream, sleep, play, work and shop in.
- Put together at least 2 to 3 key energy templates that best describe your true customer – important to note there should be synergies pinging here – otherwise there’ll be no connection
- Decide what it is we actually want to achieve – so a vision board is required – and you as the business owner or board of directors need to believe in the vision – otherwise the journey will be fraught with many unnecessary winding paths…
- Put a plan into action with creative ideas on how to achieve these goals – be specific and affirm these ideas by making writing the plan down for all to buy into.
- Do, review, learn, repeat.
In steps sales:
- Make contact with all who comment, show interest, like, respond, share or show an interest in the offer and business shared. Do so with meaningful conversation – down to earth connections, caring and sharing.
- It is now that the energy exchange can be measured for a meeting of the minds i.e budget for purchase now – if so – then take the conversation to the next level – a purchasing level. If no – then request permission to make further contact for further information, explanation, trial, education or perhaps just inspiration.
- It’s important that we show or demonstrate the power of the offer – i.e. experience / proof of delivery is key. Can it do what it says it can do.
- Respond in time, honestly and openly to queries, concerns, questions and suggestions from the vortex – i.e. perhaps the information fed back from the vortex would benefit your business – growth,change, adaption, restructuring, new products for example.
- Empowering the final purchase – where, how and by when…
- Nurturing the relationship by following up, checking in and caring for the customer will generate good will and good vibes growing the vortex and causing an influx of good energy and word of mouth which can also be defined as great PR.
Everything is reviewed and measured – without reviewing there can be no growth.
In marketing we review for learning and adaptation:
- Energy received vs energy output – revenue vs costs
- We review the customer’s needs – they too are always growing and evolving.
- We review our business DNA and how we’ve evolved.
- We review the matrix and vortex we find ourselves in – audience, location and industry
- We review the return on investments made in receiving and giving throughout the marketing process and we ensure that the scales are weighted in order to benefit all parties – financially and experientially.
In sales we review:
- Total revenue – split by offer, location, customer.
- We review the income left after costs.
- We look at the sales growth – and study the peaks and valleys to learn from patterns, seasons and any other noticables that are calling to teach us something.
- We can also look at the customer journey from start to close of sale – and assess for growth and improvement.
There are many other elements that we can review here – it just depends on the type of business we’re talking about. The truth is in the detail and the detail will set you free. I feel like I should be a Chappies wrapper now, but it really is true – you cannot learn from your past if you don’t acknowledge all facets the experience. To miss an aspect is a missed opportunity for growth and evolution.
Keep it real
There is something really exciting to be said for ‘real conversation’. Real relationship building and real connections with real people who have taken the time to like, comment, follow or share your social media posts. The old school version of this would be your new next-door neighbour leaning in over the fence and saying, “Hi, how are you… my name is Samantha, I’ve just moved in yesterday. You don’t say, “Oh, that’s nice.” and walk away… no, you settle in for a little conversation. You welcome them, you share, you ask questions – heck you might even take over a welcoming bobotie later that evening… now don’t get me wrong – I’m not advocating sending home-cooked meals over to everyone on your feed – but if you’re a homemade meals specialist you might consider picking one person on your feed from your area to gift a free home-cooked meal every now and again!
People do business with people. Not algorithms, not pictures. Not prices, not products, not flashing lights… they buy into the ethos and culture of the brand and ultimately wait to get to know you before committing to a decision… and in this day and age – that’s easy to do – reviews, recommendations, word of mouth, social feeds, website, BTE requests – it’s endless – the world is on the side of the consumer – it’s a pity we don’t realise just how much power the consumer wields.
Sales and marketing need to be in a constant collaboration to attract, inform, educate and ‘date’ our customer – converting them from a follower, liker, engager into a buyer and ultimately brand ambassador and ultimately disciple. Alignment to truth is always going to be key – your businesses true DNA and essence meeting the heart, mind and soul essence of its true customer on a personal touch timeline that’s aligned and mutually beneficial to both business and customer.